
The funny thing is, the way I'm thinking right now, there aren't enough white men and women in this photo. Especially in a rally promoting "Our Diversity is Our Strength -- Stand United with Muslims & Immigrants." (Saturday, Dec 3, 2016, 2pm. Meet at Townsend Park, Albany, at the intersection of Central and Washington Aves.) The specific theme of this rally responds to the fact that the Ku Klux Klan has announced a "victory" rally for tomorrow in North Carolina. IT is crucial that we all -- all! -- oppose domestic terrorism and stand up against all forms of hate. Being "Stronger Together" (that's my language, not the language of the rally organizers) requires that we are inclusive of ALL people in the US who oppose terror and hate. Which includes most of the people who voted for Donald Trump (not all of whom are white, of course). I know it may not feel that way, but it's true. The analysis that I've seen and heard suggests that *most* Trump supporters voted their pocketbook or their frustration, not for hatred.
So please show up and stand together for an inclusive United States and against hate.